Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas 2011

We had such a wonderful Christmas last year! It was the first Christmas that Ella really understood what was going on.We went to Silver Dollar City the week before Christmas -- it was the busiest we have ever seen it.  I think it took almost two hours for us to get in the park. On top of that it was SOOOO cold! We went with my parents and my brother's family. Abby and Ella had a good time ...did I mention it was unbelievably cold (and crowded)?!? We made it there just in time to watch the parade, and I decided I need a dress like this. I am not sure where I would wear it, but trust me, I could find somewhere to wear a dress that would light up! 

We also went to my grandmother's house where Abby and Ella made gingerbread houses! 

Isn't it beautiful?!?

Alan and I got his cousins, Brady and Conner, pogo sticks. Ella decided she wanted to try, and her Aunt Sharee helped. 

...and Christmas Morning... 
Santa Clause brought Ella a table and chairs for her to color at, and a Spongebob puzzle mat. 

and he brought her a trampoline!! (I know, don't we look super hot in these pictures?!? lol!)

She had the opening gifts part down this year!! It was so much fun to watch her! 

She got a castle, and she thought she needed to put her chairs in the castle!! 

...Ella and Grandpa! 

We enjoyed Christmas so much last year, and we are looking so forward to it this year!! 

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