We finally have puppies!!! Thursday night, I thought Babe was going to have babies soon, but I was disappointed to wake up Friday with no puppies. I had to take Ella to the doctor Friday afternoon so luckily, I was able to run home and check on Babe (which saved us a trip to the emergency vet clinic). I could tell then something was wrong... So, Alan came home to take Babe to the vet while I took Ella to the doctor. (Ella's doctor's visit was an adventure all its own, which ended up with me throwing a fit and getting a free doctor's visit -- that was a first!) Anyway, after a few hours, one c-section, and a significant amount of money later --- WE HAVE PUPPIES!!!
All the hungry babies!!!!
I like this picture -- Babe kept "hiding" the puppy with her nose. It was adorable!
Momma escaped for a little while to eat. The puppies are very loud, and they figured out she was missing very quickly!!
So, if there is one thing Alan and I have learned, it is that getting attached to a puppy in the first week is bad luck. It usually seems that one just doesn't make it, and I am FANTASTIC at becoming attached to that one who doesn't make it. Well, we said we weren't going to do that this time, but I did. Babe was given to us by my Grandaddy, and I was planning on naming one Bobby in memory of him. As soon as we saw the puppies, I knew which one Alan would like the best. It just so happens that this puppy has a broken tail (like one of Grandaddy's favorite dogs did). Since it was just perfect that it is the puppy Alan likes the best, and it has a broken tail, I find it only appropriate that it be named Bobby. I feel like I have cursed him, but we are on day number three, and he is still very strong.
Here is to hoping I have not cursed him by naming him!! Isn't he adorable?
I am sure I will be posting many more puppy pictures over the next few weeks!!!
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