Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 Days ...Day 4

Today is a picture of your night. Let me just say that our night typically consists of all of those things you hear people talk about before you have kids. --and you think "that will never be me" ...and then you had a child. So, we talk about potty going in the potty, not jumping off of furniture, not kicking the dog, keeping clothes on until we get home, wearing the same rainboots with EVERY outfit, etc. 

Anyway, I had to sneak these pictures!! I think any parent would agree there is something really cool about watching your child sleep. Not because of the previous paragraph, but just because its totally awesome! So, that is what I picked for these pictures. (Note: as I am writing this, Ella has yet to go to sleep!! lol) I took these pictures last night.

Isn't she adorable?!?! (and I am not the slightest bit biased!!!)


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

30 Days ...Day 3

I wrote the 30 days stuff last night (which was really nice because it is all ready today!), but I have to fill you in on my day first. I took a ballet class today for the first time in years. It was absolutely wonderful, like words can't express wonderful! I feel great right now -- although I am pretty sure that tomorrow morning my body will be very angry with me!!!  

So, today is SUPER simple!! Which is nice because the other posts have made me kinda emotional. I know, I am overly emotional, but I can't help it! Anyway today's picture is a picture of the cast of my favorite show... hand's down Grey's Anatomy!

I have to post multiple pictures because I have to get all (or most) of the cast members.

I have to add some Grey's Anatomy quotes while we are at it:

"Nobody chooses to be a freak. Most people don't even realize they're a freak until it's way too late to change it." --Meredith

"I think you're either born simple or you're born me." -- Christina

"If there's anything I can do... to cheer you up... I'm around. Day or night. Night in particular." -- Mark

"I don't do second best." -- Bailey

...and my current favorite...

"We are responsible with our patients. The problem is we blow it all out at work. In our own lives, we can't think things through. We don't make the sound choice. We did that all day at the hospital. When it comes to ourselves, we've got nothing left. And is it worth it—being responsible? Because if take your vitamins and pay your taxes and never cut the line, the universe still gives you people to love and then lets them slip through your fingers like water, and what've you got? Vitamins and nothing." -- Meredith

See you tomorrow!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

30 Days ...Day 2

The person I have been the closest to the longest is Alan. (Suprise, right?) Alan and I met when I was a junior in high school, and He was a senior. I have always found it funny that we met when we did because we went to school together since I was in 6th grade (like, literally we were in the same building). How is it possible that we didn't meet until then? Anyway, we started dating, and I am sure you can guess the rest of the story! He is a wonderful husband, an amazing father, and I never dreamed, even on the day we got married, that I could love him as much as I do today. I also have to add this:

"Love fills the moment,
and the moment begins eternity.
Love fills a lifetime,
and a lifetime begins this hour."

That was the beginning of our wedding invitations, and I have always loved it! (My mom picked it out, and I have to give her the credit for it!)

So, here are some pictures of Alan...
This was one of our engagement pictures

Alan at our wedding.

...our wedding again.

Alan and Ella on our the vacation we took to Gatlinburg, TN in November 2010

Alan and Ella when she was a baby.

So, here is day two!! Other updates from today... I was correct on my theory of naming a puppy. The one I named died last night. It COMPLETELY sucked more than normal because of all of the emotional stuff I had going on. Did I mention it sucked???? I guess that is life though.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

30 Days...

Before I start the “30 Days” stuff, I have to share some pictures of Ella!! When Ella gets out of the shower she wants to “cover up”. She prefers to wear a towel around the house for quite sometime (hmmm… I guess she gets that no clothes thing from me…). Anyway, my cousins got Ella one of the towels Velcros on for Christmas, and she loves it! We went outside and played in it – although it didn’t last long, we soon took it off too!! lol!

I saw on someone else’s blog a “30 Days of Pictures” Challenge. It looked really fun to try (we will see if I can keep up!!)

Here is the challenge, you post a picture each day of the following:

Day 1: A picture of yourself and 10 facts about you.
Day 2: A picture of you and the person you've been the closest with the longest.
Day 3: A picture of the cast of your favorite show.
Day 4: A picture of your night.
Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for the day.
Day 7: A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 8: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 9: A picture of the person that has gotten you through the most.
Day 10: A picture of the person you do the craziest things with.
Day 11: A picture of something you hate.
Day 12: A picture of something you love.
Day 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16: A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17: A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.
Day 19: A picture and a letter.
Day 20: A picture of somewhere you would like to travel.
Day 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23: A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24: A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25: A picture of your day.
Day 26: A picture of something that means alot to you.
Day 27: A picture of you and a family member.
Day 28: A picture of something you are afraid of.
Day 29: A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30: A picture of someone you miss.

Day 1: A picture of yourself, and 10 facts about yourself.
Those of you who read my profile know that the 10 facts about me is definitely going to be the hardest part about this!!!

1. I am the Mommy to the most wonderful little girl, Ella Kaye, in the whole world, and I am lucky enough to have my best friend and loving husband, Alan put up with me!!!
2. I truly believe that I have the best family in the entire world! I couldn’t ask for more loving and caring people to share our lives with.
3. I don’t believe that anything happens by coincidence. I believe that God has a purpose and a reason for everything in our lives (even when we don’t like it or understand it). Having faith is the most important part!
4. I am messy and I don’t like to clean! (Alan knew what he was getting into when we got married!)
5. I could spend hours doing arts and crafts! I like to scrapbook, knit, sew, even color with Ella. (See #4, I get in trouble for not cleaning up my messes!! J)
6. I love to shop! I can spend hours (and subsequently lots of money…) shopping for anything!!
7. I don’t censor what I say very well! I tend to speak long before I think!! It doesn’t get me in too much trouble, but I am working on being better at it!
8. I believe in saying “I Love You” a lot – to family, friends, whomever. I always try to tell the people in my life how much they mean to me whenever I get the opportunity.
9. I am horrible at following up with people!! Time goes by too fast, and I forget to make phone calls or send e-mails as often as I should.
10. I enjoy being completely girly: pedicures, manicures, fixing hair, dressing up, make-up… I love it all!! If only I had more time!!

So here is Day 1 – See you tomorrow!


We finally have puppies!!! Thursday night, I thought Babe was going to have babies soon, but I was disappointed to wake up Friday with no puppies. I had to take Ella to the doctor Friday afternoon so luckily, I was able to run home and check on Babe (which saved us a trip to the emergency vet clinic). I could tell then something was wrong... So, Alan came home to take Babe to the vet while I took Ella to the doctor. (Ella's doctor's visit was an adventure all its own, which ended up with me throwing a fit and getting a free doctor's visit -- that was a first!) Anyway, after a few hours, one c-section, and a significant amount of money later --- WE HAVE PUPPIES!!!

  There 8 puppies --- 7 boys, and 1 girl! They are all very healthy! 


All the hungry babies!!!!

I like this picture -- Babe kept "hiding" the puppy with her nose. It was adorable!

Momma escaped for a little while to eat. The puppies are very loud, and they figured out she was missing very quickly!!

So, if there is one thing Alan and I have learned, it is that getting attached to a puppy in the first week is bad luck. It usually seems that one just doesn't make it, and I am FANTASTIC at becoming attached to that one who doesn't make it. Well, we said we weren't going to do that this time, but I did. Babe was given to us by my Grandaddy, and I was planning on naming one Bobby in memory of him. As soon as we saw the puppies, I knew which one Alan would like the best. It just so happens that this puppy has a broken tail (like one of Grandaddy's favorite dogs did). Since it was just perfect that it is the puppy Alan likes the best, and it has a broken tail, I find it only appropriate that it be named Bobby. I feel like I have cursed him, but we are on day number three, and he is still very strong.

Here is to hoping I have not cursed him by naming him!! Isn't he adorable?

I am sure I will be posting many more puppy pictures over the next few weeks!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

...Alone Time!!

It is 9:30...
I'm not tired...
Alan and Ella are both asleep...
I have a bowl of ice cream and Oreo’s...
I have complete control of the TV (and I am watching Eclipse)...

All of this = once in a lifetime opportunity!!! Ha ha!!

I am a little disappointed because I don't have any pictures to add to this post. I almost didn't post anything, but after spending quite a bit of time on the phone with my cousin (btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAYLOR!!!) we decided that mindless rambling can be very entertaining!!

Lately we have been:

Alan's grandfather (Harold) had quadruple bypass surgery this morning. All went well!!! Hopefully he will be back to normal soon!! Alan's other grandfather (Bill) is still recovering from his surgery, and he is doing well also! My grandmother (Doylene) received some (preliminary) good news from the doctor. My dad is feeling better, and I think his medicine is finally getting regulated.

Ella has become very whiney lately, and it is driving Alan and I crazy!! Her new favorite phrase is “don’t want it”, and I am pretty sure she can manage to say it 93 times per minute!!! She is definitely able to communicate exactly what she thinks needs to happen. Although, sometimes it is rather cute when she says it because she pouts and bats her eyelashes. Wow… they learn how to get what they want quickly!

Alan went out to the marina today, and after putting the boat back in the slip… he fell in the water. Yes, the nasty, stagnant, cold water that surrounds the dock! LOL! I thought I was going to die laughing when he told me about it. (I was at work when this happened.)

I don’t know what has been up with me lately, but I have been on an emotional rollercoaster. (No, I am not pregnant!) I have been grumpy, then depressed, then stressed, then happy, and then it starts all over again. I am really starting to get annoyed by it so hopefully I get back to normal soon!!!

I am so excited about Ella’s birthday! I think she will LOVE her party, and I think she will really get excited about opening the presents. We are getting her a trampoline, and I think I am as excited (if not more) to jump on it as she will be!! I am also getting very excited about summer. It has been wonderful to get outside and enjoy the weather. Ella really loves the boat. Almost everyday she will go up to Alan and say, “Boat, Daddy, Boat”. It is adorable!

Allergies… ugh!! I am pretty sure I am about to limit out on the amount of behind the counter decongestants that I can purchase!! I will have to start sending Alan to get me medicine!!

…oh and did I mention CRAZY?!?!
Have a good night!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Ella's Birthday

Check out this cool gadget on the right ----->
We are having Ella's birthday party on May 7th. (and of course, it will be a Yo Gabba Gabba party ...ugh...) I will get invitations out soon, but just so you know!! Plus, I thought the gadget was super cool!! I also added a gadget that allows you to enter your email and it will send you an email everytime I update! (which, I am SURE everyone is as interested in my life as I am!! lol) Okay...Time to get back to work!!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ella "Helping"

During our house renovation projects Ella decided she needed the "help" paint. So, to avoid the GIGANTIC mess that would have caused... I made some soapy water and gave her a paint brush of her own. She had a fantastic time painting the driveway and her potty seat (?? only my child would paint her potty seat!)

After we got done painting Saturday night, Ella decided she needed to dance (and climb on the furniture -- which is better than the ladder she tried ...wait, successfully climbed on to the roof while we were working on the house!!)

Ella was SO excited to see Mimi at church this morning!! 

Ella and Mimi had so much fun!! 

I thought this was a good picutre of Ella and I! It looks very spring-y!

When we got home, she was "helping" paint again, so we decided she could play in the truck. I am pretty sure she managed to push every button and turn everything on and off. She chouldn't figure out how to get the horn to honk (thank god!!) because she couldn't push it hard enough.


We had a busy weekend, but we did get alot done! Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL week!!!


House Projects

We are always renovating something at our house, but we have finally gotten to the outside of the house!! We had planned on re-roofing the house this weekend, but all of the shingles did not come in on time so we had to put that project on hold for a few days... 

These were the shingles we had on the roof.

And these are the new shingles --- I know in the pictures you can tell much difference! The new shingles are brown and they look MUCH better!!

Since we did not have all of the shingles... that means we need to start a new project, right?? lol So, for the next part, you need to see a couple of "before" pictures. Here is our house before we started this weekend (and no, we don't typically let Ella play in the front yard. We moved some of her toys out front so she could play while we were working!)

Here are the after pictures... we decided to paint the brick and I am really pleased with it. We still have some trimming and finishing up to do. 

So, here is the (almost) finished product. We are really happy with it! I am excited about getting the re-landscape the front yard now too!!!

More Flowers

I had to post more pictures of my flowers...


These azeleas haven "popped" yet, but they are my favorite color we have.

More Tulip Pictures ... 

I love all of the color our yard is starting to get!!!
