We decided to take the boat out on the lake today, and we had SO much fun! The weather was wonderful; it was so nice to get outside and enjoy it! Also, Alan and I got a slip at the marina today, which means, I don't have to drive the boat or the trailer anymore! I am super excited; this is going to be a wonderful summer! Before I post today's pictures though, I wanted to post some old pictures of Ella at the lake.
Summer of 2009
This is Ella when she was three months old. Look at those skinny little legs!! It is hard to believe she was that small. She loved napping in the boat.
Her life jacket made the perfect pacifier holder.
Summer of 2010
Ella and Grandpa riding the jet ski!!
Summer of 2010
Ella and Papa.
Ella and Gran.
Ella was driving the boat for Daddy! She knows how to use the throttle to make it go faster, but she doesn't like to slow down. She can honk the horn, too!! Her biggest problem is that she can only turn right... I am sure she will have lots of practice this summer!!!
This is just a random picture of me, ha ha, I didn't get to take any pictures with Ella.
I am sure there will be many more lake pictures this year! We are looking so forward to getting to play in the water with Ella. I am sure she will love getting to ride the tube!
Earlier in the week, Ella got into my closet, and this is what happened...

It was absolutely adorable to watch her walk around in 4.5 inch heels, and she was really good at it!! (She gets that from her mama ;-)!) At least she has good taste, you can't go wrong with D&G slingbacks! lol!!
Of course, I have to post my favorite picture of the week. As if you couldn't tell, Ella makes the rules at the house, and she has become very bossy. Alan and I can't help but laugh. She is hilarious. This is a picture of her telling me to be quiet.
Have a fantastic week!!!